22 April 2012

Standards according to...

So I've been made aware of something after being here for oh, six weeks or so.

When it comes time to make a decision and I think, "What should I do? What is okay?" I find myself using the standard of my own culture. I justify the way I dress because its more conservative than most people back home.

Its not just clothes, that's just an example. All throughout the day I catch myself, or GOD catches me, choosing to use which ever standard suits me. "The my church does ____." "The way we do _____ in the US." "The way my European friends do ______."

So whose standard is the right one? We know the answer. Its obvious. What's not obvious all the time is what standard we are actually using!

Its harder to use the Word as my standard because I can't manipulate it. I can't make it mean what I want it to and be at ease with that. But even when making a tough decision or an uncomfortable one or one that leads towards MORE work rather than less, when its the right one (according to God's Word) its feels so much better.

Just something I noticed about myself last week.

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