26 April 2012

Farm Pictures: The beginning

My "son" Kwesi and I on our return from observing someone's farm. Just wanted to show the unique names of our drinks. Mine was "Steri Stumpie" which was chocolate milk and Kwesi's was "Yomi" which sort of looks like 'Vomi'. Just found it interesting. :)

One of my favorite things ever is to see shoes outside my door. Look at all these shoes! They represent people in our house (and in our lives) that we have the opportunity to connect with and love.

The boys came ready to go to the farm with us to clear land. We utilized around 20 machetes and 3 hoes to clear our small piece of land.

A little fun before heading out to work.

Our incredible volunteers after clearing the land. Sokpoe Ridgers Babies (15 and under), but they didn't clear land like "babies"! They took down four trees and lots of brush with just machetes! Go team!

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