Prounounced "Eddy-Nahm", her name means "God has given me that which I was looking for".
Precious huh? As she is sitting here playing Mancala (or Oware here) she informed me that she is the only girl on her father's side of the family.
I think her name is fitting for me too. She turns 12 on the 17th of May. She is a sweetheart in so many ways. She is humble and patient. She is unlike other children and adults here in that she does not make incessant demands on me. She will often ask if she can travel with me to which I mostly must respond, "No."
Today is different. Today Mawuko, Godson and I are traveling to Accra for a Sports Ministry Meeting. I have no idea what this meeting is about but it is supposed to be only two hours. For some reason, today I want to bring Edinam along. There is something about her, something within her.
This morning she moved around the room quietly for a bit, observing all the things she's seen before and then she said, "Yesterday Jesus die." My heart lit up for an opportunity to discuss Jesus' death and resurrection with my precious little friend.
I affirmed her statement and asked if she knew why. She had no idea. I went through a brief story of sacrificial times to Jesus' death. She was in awe and seemed to understand. After we discussed the importance of His death, I mentioned the importance of his coming back to life. "Easter!" she exclaimed, "That is Sunday."
"Yes, that is the day we celebrate Jesus and His power. And when we follow Him because He is stronger than death, we don't have to be afraid of anything."
She grinned and so did I! It was a special moment, the moments I anxiously await here.
Edinam and I took a picture together but I cannot post it now. In the background there is a cloth of pictures that depict history from Creation to Jesus' return. Kids are absolutely MESMERIZED by it here! So I think I will begin to get the stories down in such a way that I can memorize them verbatim and share them with the children to give them a full picture of the Gospel.
My joy is full this morning! Thank you Jesus that You willingly gave your life for me, for Edinam, for everyone who will accept it, and even for those who won't. Thank you that you are patient with me when I so often fail to follow in Your ways! Thank You that tomorrow we can celebrate Your power, displayed in incredible greatness, that death itself cannot wave a finger at it. Thank You that You have given us this same power. All praise and glory and honor is for You alone because God, You are the only One who is worthy!
May this Easter be holy, worshipful one for you and yours where we can wholeheartedly focus on the love of a Savior and the power of the One we serve.
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