17 February 2012

As more people become aware of the mission work in Ghana and throughout the world, discussions have come up with many people in my life as they voice the idea of traveling to Ghana or another third world country. And for many that's all it really is...an idea. 

But there are some in which the "idea" runs deeper, in fact, its the beginnings of a desire... So this post is for those of you who have the desire (or at least the start of it) to travel into a different culture/country.

A few tips:

1) Pray. If you want to go to share Jesus and to make an impact, it all starts and ends with prayer. It's all God's work, by His hand and it takes knowing Him and seeking Him. That's in life. That's in faith. And that's definitely in places that you've never been!

2) If you sense that you may at some point within the next decade go overseas, get a passport. To travel to many places you don't even need a visa. If you DO need a visa, you surely won't want to have to wait for your passport. Be prepared in advance. Get your passport.

3) Pray about your passions and dreams and seek what God wants to do with them. Then be willing to submit to the direction He leads.

4) Research. Where does you mind go when you think of truly serving? Are you drawn to a certain people? What are your passions? Do they involve building in the third world? Evangelize in Asian countries? Playing football in the jungle? Spending time in a post-Christian world, being Jesus?

Whatever your passions are... research them. We get these ideas in our heads of what we want to do and how. If just spend time dreaming, we may struggle more than necessary when faced with reality in that culture. One of my favorite “free-time fillers” is to get onto YouTube and search for videos with keywords relating to the people I work with in Ghana. I always learn something new and usually have a laugh or two, especially when it's white people trying to teach Ghanaian lessons!

Research not just for knowledge but for guidance too. As you learn more about people and their lives, you'll see more of where your heart truly lies. Let's be real. Most of us would love to go and serve in some village and come back and have people pat us on the back for our work. Through the process of getting informed, we learn about the culture at the same time our true motives are revealed to ourselves. And God may open our eyes and spark a new passion or give us clearer direction as we learn more.

5) Pray about the research. Pray over what still lies within your heart. Pray about your motives and ask God to continually teach and lead you.

6) Get involved where you are. You want to go somewhere else and tell them about Jesus? How often do you tell people in your little bubble about the incredible Savior we have that offers Hope to them?? No, I get it, really I do. It is harder to step up, be bold and reach out to those directly around us because ultimately there will be a response, negative or positive, there will be one. Think back to your choice to go somewhere and share Jesus. What drives you to do that? In essence, what is your motive? People need Jesus; Jesus told us to go, so that's why we go to places like West Africa right? What about here at home?

7) Pray that God would give you the same passion and heart of compassion for those around you that you have for people you have never even met in other countries. I didn't realize it until this moment but this is how I first became connected with Ghana. I listened to a youth pastor share about the people of Ghana. The pictures he showed burned in my mind and I began to pray with a passion that they would know Jesus. Sixteen months later I found myself IN Ghana, with these people. And upon my return, God grew my heart for the people of my community. Now, 5 years later, my heart is near exploding with excitement as I await the opportunity to share Jesus this Saturday!

8) Pray about opportunities to support God's work in the place/with the people you have on your heart. Maybe you can give financially. Maybe you can collect items. Definitely you can commit to faithful prayer each day on their behalf. Write encouraging notes. "Share" the cause on your favorite social networks and get the word out. Help others get informed and involved. Hey...why doesn't someone do a "flash-mob" in Ghana with me?!?!?!? Or I can meet you in Romania and we can do it with my friends there!

The recipe is different for everyone. God works in a ba-jillion different ways. These are just some thoughts that come to mind at the moment.

Also, some insights for Ghana are blogs from the past...linked below:

09 February 2012


I have a friend who knows me. She can watch my face as I listen to others and she knows what I am thinking and how I'm feeling. She can share words of comfort that I need without me ever voicing the need. The crazy thing is that I've only known her for five years! That's a great friendship there!

Another super awesome friend I have is my sister. She knows me probably better than any other human being and is my best friend in the WHOLE WORLD! May not seem like much to anyone else but I was pleasantly surprised when I saw her for the first time in over a month and she said, "Did you dye your hair?" almost immediately after she saw me. Now I posted on my blog about my hair color and although I did dye it, it's so close to my natural hair color that no one has noticed the difference. My sister did! AND I had my eyebrows done and the lady put some powder on them to darken them up. My sister asked if I dyed my eyebrows too. I'm pretty sure no one else would notice this except her! It made me feel good to notice this and see how close we still can be.

But there is One who knows me better. Now I've read in Genesis, the Psalms and other places about how God knows us. Sometimes I wonder what these passages mean but most of the time I chalk them up as one of those things I'll never understand. Only, God doesn't let me stay there. He does something. Something to show how much He knows me. Something that reaches so deep within me that I can do nothing but stand in awe of Him and who He is. Something that increases my awareness of Him, my longing to draw near to Him, and my desire to share Him.

Its a sweet thing to have people who know you...who really know you...and love you anyway! There is no greater love than this, that One lay His life down for His friends.

Jesus knows us. And He loves us anyway!