There is a song in which the lyrics are written:
I've been painting pictures of Egypt, leaving out what it lacks
The future feels so hard and I want to go back,
But the places that used to fit me, cannot hold the things I've learned.
Those roads were closed off to me while my back was turned.
As followers of Christ, we all have our Egypt. We all have something that we have left to follow Christ - our past.
But the past is comfortable. The past is familiar. The past we can understand. The past is certain and cannot change.
But there is no hope in the past. So there is a constant battle of refusing to cling to the things of the past and pressing on into a somewhat uncertain future. God Himself acknowleged this battle that would take place in His own people.
Before the Red Sea miracle, God knew the Israelites would falter and go back to their lives of slavery so He provided a different way for them to go...toward the Red Sea. He led them this way and this path left no way for them to return to Egypt (unless they were extremely good swimmers and wanted to swim through a sea of dead Egyptians.)
I feel like God has done the same with me. He's taken me from my Egypt - captivity to certain mindsets and practices - and has given me freedom. He's given me freedom with understanding - incredible, unbelievable, divine understanding of His word, His purpose and Himself.
For me to go back to those things that held me captive could be easier than I would have thought. There have been recent times when the future does feel so hard. Sometimes, if I'm not careful, I'll begin to believe that the future is too difficult to continue and I'll sit where I am or I'll attempt to go back. The Israelites told Moses, "Let us be slaves to the Egyptians. It's better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness."
In their fear of the uncertain, the Israelites were saying that they'd rather keep themselves and even their future generations enslaved to the Egyptians.
But then just like the Lord constantly showed Israelietes, He shows me that He IS God and He shows me that there is more at stake in this world than my own comfort.
"But Moses said to the people, 'Don't be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The LORD Himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.'"
We are watching Father! It is my own commitment today to remain calm in all situations and allow You to fight on my behalf. You've called me to Yourself just as You did the Israelites. Thank You for rescuing me from an eternity without You! Thank You for Your promises and thank You for giving my life purpose and meaning. When it doesn't make sense I'll wait on You. When everything seems to make sense, I'll wait on You. My faith is in You and fear fades. You are my Rescuer. I rejoice at the sound of Your name! I worship You with a full heart this morning!
Sandra, thanks so much for sharing about things you go through. Many times, I find myself battling with the same types of things and your notes minister to me. This is a good perspective about looking ahead and knowing God has something great in mind. Love you!