24 December 2011

The Real Reason for the Season

"Jesus, the Reason for the Season" we often see this during this time of the year.

I think it's a cute saying that is not totally accurate. We tend to do that a lot of times, especially in a world of marketing.

But I read a verse that shook my faith world yesterday. "Love is the fulfillment of the law."


Jesus is love because God is love. He came and loved. When we love others deeply, purely and to the fullest, we will automatically be fulfilling the law.

But love like this isn't easy. It takes humility.

I messed up the other day. In my own hurt and anger I took a jab at someone I loved. If I loved instead, I would have set myself aside at whatever cost, put my pride in the backseat (or out the window), and humbly received whatever was going on.

I love watching parents act totally RIDICULOUS in public just for their kids. You've seen 'em. Watch next time you're out (dancing, talking like a baby-forgetting all English grammar rules, hopping through the mall, counting everything they see, making faces you've never SEEN before), and as you watch......imagine the child NOT being there!! Haha, it is SOOOO funny. If there was no kid there, for sure the mom or dad or grandma would totally be committed to an insane asylum!!!

But this is love. These parents are so in love with their children and loving them and meeting their needs that they would do just about anything short of crude to get that smile out of them or to make them feel loved or just to have interaction. It's love.

This is the love that Jesus came to teach us. His love for broken people who need Him is why He came. We can worship God for anything, but that fact that Jesus came for us and humiliated Himself, allowing Himself to take on human form as a baby, this is love. He allowed Mary to change and WASH (by hand) his diapers/nappies. He allowed her to clean his spit-up. To clothe Him, dress Him, teach Him. This is humility on the part of God Almighty.

And the opposite of humility is pride. During this season, gifts are everywhere. And let's be honest, some of us, our hearts drop at the thought of presents because we see the word O-B-L-I-G-A-T-I-O-N. If someone gives us a present, we feel like we need to return the gesture. And often it seems like the giver feels that way too.

But it's not just obligation from other people. We feel obligated on our part. We often feel like to receive a gift is to receive strings to that person and we owe them until we reciprocate. As soon as we do the strings fall and we are free.

This year I gave homemade jam to people who have just encouraged me lately. But as I gave it I downplayed it so that they wouldn't feel obligated. But it made me a little sad because I felt it downplayed how much I cared too.

What's the deal? Why are things this way? Why is it so difficult to just receive a gift with a thankful heart and go on without feeling obligated? Pride. That's it.

The truth is it's hard to receive a gift without reciprocating. And boiled down, in its simplest form. Pride is the answer to 'why' or at least "lack of humility". It takes humility to simply receive.

So let's look at this
Jesus humbled himself from God form to human baby form. He gave himself up, humbly, in love. To fulfill the law. He offers Himself as a gift.

Only, we have a hard time receiving without giving back (thus somehow "deserving" the gift). We can't do this with Jesus. We cannot truly receive Love until we humble ourselves and realize there is nothing we can give in return for this gift. There is no way to match it or deserve it.

The reason for the season? I say it's HUMILITY and LOVE. The fulfillment of the law. Love God and love your neighbors as yourself.

When we humbly love, I believe we begin to see God's kingdom here on earth.

So Jesus IS the reason for the season. But our pride is also the reason/need for the season. His humility is our reason/need for the season. Love is the reason for the season. Our own Humility is what should come out of this season...

...just something to chew on.

Merry Christmas to all! I so hope that you will have a joy-filled Christmas!!!

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