09 August 2011

Unbelievable Summer

If you receive the newsletter you will have the full scope (or as much as you can get) of what took place this summer! If you don't/didn’t receive the newsletter and are already on the mailing list, I left you out on purpose because I want to discuss something with you. ;) If you are not on the mailing list and would like to be, please email me.

Lessons I learned this summer through all that took place:

= Trust God with myself

= Trust God with those He puts around me

= Trust those God puts around me with those He puts around me. =) K, thank you for that lesson!

= Abide in Jesus…always…with ALL things

= It is not my place to defend myself. Jesus never defended Himself.

= It is my job to defend my brothers and sisters as they will not defend themselves.

= It’s not just what comes out that matters, it’s what’s in the heart and mind.

= A physical consequence helps mature the heart and mind.

= I cannot do life alone. (And now I don’t want to! Thanks Team!)

= I should always look to the interests of others rather than only my own.

= When it is time for me to speak up, I should!

= Surprises are not a bad thing!

= Planning is wise. Being flexible is good. Being fluid is best!

= Time with Jesus is a lifestyle.

= Abiding in Jesus is possible.

= Don’t be afraid to love anyone God puts in my path. Don’t hold back.

= When God speaks, by all means, Listen Sandra!

= Allow other people to look after me!

= Be open! Transparency is not what America makes it out to be. I want people to know the real me. Scary, I know! =)

= God has blessed me with an INCREDIBLE family who loves me although I sooo don’t deserve it!

= The Lord surely answers prayers, guiding and directing.

= The most important phrase in any language is, “Jesus loves you.”

= No one gets left behind.

= This 27 year old body can handle wayyyyy more than I thought possible.

= Northerners are cool people too! =)

= We are each uniquely designed in a fashion that suits our calling best! God is good!

= Adventures are now something I can look forward to rather than be hesitant or afraid!

= Whom have I in heaven but You, Lord!?

= No assumptions, no pre-conceived notions. Be patient and watch. Wait on the Lord who will reveal all.

= Be a good steward but rely on God for all things

= If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together!

And for my IMPACT team…I learned:

= Never attempt the Cinnamon Challenge

= How to defend myself from a bear

= Don’t look at M. when a speaker goes off track

= Watch out for river rocks…dangerous suckers!

= Don’t attempt a Martial Arts match with N. (silly me)

= D.’s concoctions do work

= our stories tell a lot about us, it’s important to share

= “Slow and steady wins the race” whether it’s a horse or a bridge

= It’s important to dream

= Anyone can play the guitar

= A Romanian train is NOTHING like a Texas train

…okay, I’ll stop for now =)

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