09 August 2011

Loving the Unloved

Please hear a portion of my story…

“But then I will win her back once again.

I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her there.

I will return her vineyards to her

And transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope.

She will give herself to me there,

As she did long ago when she was young,

When I freed her from captivity…

“When that day comes,” says the LORD,

“you will call Me ‘my Husband’ instead of ‘my Master.’

I will make you my wife forever,

Showing you righteousness and justice, unfailing love and compassion.

I will be faithful to you and make you mine,

And you will finally know me as LORD.

I will show love to those I called ‘Not loved.’

And to those I called ‘Not My people,’

I will say, ‘Now you are my people.’

And they will reply, ‘You are our God!’”

The above is from Hosea, prophesying about God’s people, but is very much how God has moved within my own life. Because of a past experience, Hosea speaks to the depths of my soul.

There definitely was a time that I was held captive to things as a result of my decision to choose life without God. He did lead me into the desert and He did speak tenderly. Even upon my refusal, He continued to speak. And finally in the Valley of Trouble and Pain and Despair, I heard. And He gave me hope! So much Hope that in that moment, I gave all of myself to Him, to be as I was when I was young, before my captivity. That day, upon choosing Him, I was able to call Him my Friend and my Husband rather than only my Master, someone I only feared. I am forever His, aware of His righteousness, His justice, His unfailing, NEVER-ENDING LOVE, and His compassion. He has been nothing but faithful, (even when I have not been), and I am His. He is my Lord and He loves me. He is MY God!

And because He is my God, the filth, the destruction and the lies have been exposed and wiped away. Isaiah 61:10 describes my heart, “I am overwhelmed with joy in the LORD my God! For he has dressed me with the clothing of salvation and draped me in a robe of righteousness. I am like a bridegroom in his wedding suit or a bride with her jewels.”

Because I have been in the Valley of Trouble and have experienced dark times, I feel that I understand the place of one who is “unloved.” I understand hopelessness. I understand why people fight the One who wants to love them most. And because the Lord has brought me through the Valley and proven His love for me…because He has made me His, it is now my turn to share Him with those who are unloved, who don’t know True Love.

How can I give you up…?

How can I let you go…?

How can I destroy you…?

My heart is torn within me, and My compassion overflows.

No, I will not unleash My fierce anger.

I will not completely destroy…for I am God and not a mere mortal.

I am the Holy One living among you, and I will not come to destroy.

For someday the people will follow me.

Do you hear this?!? For someday the people will follow me. I have hope that the unloved, once they experience True Love, will follow Him. I feel that it is the job of those who have chosen to follow and who know Love Himself, to go to the poor, needy, oppressed, widow and orphans, the prostitutes, and all who are looked down upon.

Please pray for the Lord’s direction within my life and this ministry on how we can better love the unloved. My heart is very heavily burdened these days.

The Lord says, “Then I will heal you of your faithlessness;

My love will know no bounds”

Akpe Yesu!

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